Terms of Use


The use of the services of by the visitor / user implies its unconditional agreement with the following terms of use, which apply to the entire content of the website. Therefore, the visitor / user must read these terms carefully before using the services of the site and if he does not agree, he must not use the services and the content of the website. The visitor / user is kindly requested to check the content of the terms of use for possible changes. The continued use of, even after any changes, means the unconditional acceptance by the visitor / user of these terms.


The online store and the services offered through it are aimed exclusively at adults. It is forbidden for minors to use or visit it, as well as to enter into transactions. bears no responsibility for the possible visit of this site and its use by minors, as it can not control the identity of the incoming users / visitors. bears no responsibility for any damage caused to the Customer by the exchange of information when using the services of the e-shop resulting from loss or delay of reception or non-receipt or alteration of data.

The information accompanying the products is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the services or recommendations of a physician or recognized health professional or to provide diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any illness. products are not intended for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of diseases. does not provide medical advice.

The material, content and claims of the advertisements are intellectual property and the responsibility of the companies that advertise their products. We do not offer any warranty, whether written or otherwise, directly or indirectly, about the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by our site. We disclaim any warranty, explicit or implied, direct or indirect including implied warranties of merchantability or appropriateness for a particular purpose.


The management and protection of the personal data of the user / visitor of the services of the Website is subject to the terms of this section and to the relevant provisions of Greek law (Law 2472/1997 on the Protection of Individuals and the Protection of Personal Data as Completed with the decisions of the Chairman of the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, Presidential Decree 207/1998 and 79/2000 and Article 8 of Law 2819/2000 as well as Law 2774/1999 and European law (Directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC).

In case that the users of the website voluntarily provide any personal data (e.g., name, address, telephone number or e-mail address), the Company may collect them in a File and processes them for the purpose.

The Company may save and process the personal data of the users / visitors of the website only if such data is voluntarily provided by its users for the following purposes:

– Providing the services that users / visitors choose through this Website (eg making purchases from online store, participating in competitions).

– Quality service for users / visitors and improvement through this information, for the products and services of the Company.

– Update for new products and services as well as existing offers, with user consent.

– Advertising the Company’s products, future communication with users, conducting market research, or in any way promoting Company products remotely, with the prior consent of the users.

The user / visitor of the Website guarantees the truth and authenticity of the personal data that they submit to the Company as well as the right to submit them.


Intellectual property is obtained without any wording and without the need for a clause prohibiting its insults. The Website and its Content is intellectual and industrial property of the Company and is the subject of protection of the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and International Law. The Website Content includes all trademarks, distinctive features, patents, brand names, texts, images, graphics, drawings, photographs, programs, information material of any kind, data, software, unless otherwise stated for specific third party rights.

It should be noted that according to Law 2121/1993 (as amended and currently in force), the International Convention of Berne (ratified by Law No. 100/1975) and the relevant provisions on the protection of intellectual property on the Internet, it is expressly prohibited reproduction, retransmission in electronic or mechanical form, storage, printing, creation of derivative work, downloading by anyone or misleading the public about the use of any form of copying, modification, interference, transfer, distribution, resale, rental, republication, reproduction, the actual content of the Website. Third-party products, services, brand names, trademarks, or distinctive features appearing on the Company’s Website are intellectual and industrial property of third parties, who are responsible for them.

The trademarks, logos, trademarks displayed on this website and representations of persons or things that are part of the Content, are the company or third party property. Their use is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of the Company unless otherwise provided in the applicable terms of use. The content of the Website is not an explicit or implied license or right to use any of the Trademarks displayed on the Website without the written permission of the Company or third parties who may own the Trademarks appearing on it.